Cleaning Your Portable Greenhouse
For folks who truly have a green thumb, a portable greenhouse is a great investment.
A portable greenhouse means being able to protect your flowers, plants, and trees without committing to a permanent structure.
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Keeping Clean
It's very important to keep a clean portable greenhouse. A greenhouse, even a portable one, can be a breeding ground for germs and bacteria.
This means keeping clean items in the greenhouse. Keep the floors and pots clean.
It's good to give your greenhouse a good cleaning at least once a year. Start by removing all plants if possible for the few hours you will need to clean the greenhouse.
- Brush or vacuum the floor to remove all excess dirt and debris.
- Clean the structural parts of the portable greenhouse with a mild detergent or disinfectant. If you have questions about the best cleaners for your portable greenhouse, check with your local garden supply store or home improve center.
- Check to see if any weeds are growing through the floor. Remove any such weeds.
- If possible, use a high-pressure washer with soap and water to remove caked-on dirt on the walls.
- Keep an eye out for algae. This can grow on benches, pots and coverings.
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