Portable Garage Carport
Portable garages are very helpful things to own; they can be used in a variety of different ways. They are affordable, durable and as easy to assemble as they are to disassemble. One of the more popular uses for these types of structures is for sheltering seasonally used cars, boats and or farming equipment. Portable garage carport shelters will protect your vintage car, boat or expensive piece of farming equipment from the harmful exposure to ultraviolet rays or any other sort of extreme weather conditions. Subzero temperatures combined with a healthy amount of snowfall can do a great deal of damage not only to the car's antique paint job but also to the vehicle's delicate under carriage. Since you have made a sizeable investment in your prized car, boat or piece of equipment, then do not let the wrath of Mother Nature destroy it. The best way to shelter these types of vehicles is with a portable garage carport.
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The 12'W x 20'L x 7'H carport is made to be durable and affordable. The silicone coating that it comes with will not require frequent painting or attract those pesky termites. The silicon coating on the roof comes with a 20-year, limited warranty, which covers workmanship along with the material quality. The complete kits include all framing and hardware, plus the painted steel roofing, vinyl trim, and some butyl caulk tape. The weight total for this carport is 712 pounds. This carport is perfect for storing a large sport utility vehicle or a relatively small boat. Installation services are available in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Southeast New York and Northern New Jersey.
Carports come in a wide array of prices, styles, colors and materials. There is a carport for every family, every business from the small to the commercial conglomerate; carports are helpful and will make life easier.
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